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The authors of this site are not physicians. Although the site is full of information of the highest value for wellness and health, it is necessary to post a disclaimer stating that the information disclosed here should not be considered medical advice, and that the reader should in all cases consult a physician.

Such a disclaimer is appropriate for legal reasons. It is not possible to treat anyone outside the medical system, even if the results of that system are questionable. The disclaimer is therefore published purely for formal correctness. The information on this and many other sites dealing with wellness and health is often more substantial and accurate than that provided by most graduate professionals and various institutions. This is not a criticism of the individual professional, but of the system in general.

The author of this site is not a physician although scientific studies and medical arguments are often cited in the articles.

The author contacted by email or by phone, Messenger, Whatsapp, etc., responds to questions that are asked, and the one who receives the response should consider it as an expression of personal opinions. Such question and answer exchanges should not be considered as medical or legal advice and are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease.

This site is not nor can it be considered to be a newspaper and is updated without any periodicity, solely on the basis of availability of material. Therefore, it is not an editorial product subject to the regulations of l. No. 62 of 2001. The images published are almost all purchased from photo libraries or taken from the Internet and therefore evaluated as being in the public domain. In case some images violate copyright principles please notify us and we will remove them.

The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any disease. If you believe you have a condition that requires medical treatment, please see a licensed specialist or therapist. This site expresses the ideas of the authors, and these ideas may be at odds with the bodies of knowledge that are taught in universities and therefore should be regarded as opinions. They should not be considered as medical or legal advice. Any user applying the data published on this site does so under his or her direct and sole responsibility. These materials have been posted on this Internet site for the sole purpose of allowing users to view them. This site DOES NOT HAVE ANY LINKS with pharmaceutical firms, research institutes, or government agencies related to them.
Part of this site is intended to promote FOREVER LIVING products that are to be considered as “supplements” and/or “nutraceuticals.” FOREVER LIVING’s products cannot in any way be considered drugs and should be designed only as products with an adjuvant function to normal medical treatments.
The claims made to promote FOREVER LIVING products are in line with the FOREVER LIVING COMPANY POLICY and do not contain “medical claims.” Scientific studies and medical arguments referring to Aloe Vera and other “medicinal plants” mentioned in articles on this site cannot in any way be linked to FOREVER LIVING and its products.

The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only. The website and the authors assume no responsibility or liability with regard to such material. The information contained on this site does not constitute professional, medical, clinical, or legal advice.

Art. 21 Italian Constitution: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, including the right not to be harassed for his or her opinion and the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any medium and regardless of frontiers. “Everyone has the right to freely express and disseminate his or her opinions in word, writing and pictures, and to inform himself or herself without hindrance from sources accessible to all.”

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